#RysunCookingKarona – An employee engagement program organized by Rysun

May 02 2020

Teams Bond Over Cooking in Rysun’s #RysunCookingKarona

Amidst the lockdown 2.0, Rysun (formerly KCS) on behalf of Synergy club, organized employee engagement program #RysunCookingKarona to boost the morale and enhance team interaction within our employees. The event was organized on 2nd May 2020, Saturday. In this event, each team has to collaborate and mutually decide a cuisine to make dishes of the decided cuisine. We feel absolute pride to announce that we received 100% participation from our employees. The parameters of the best entries were based on team collaboration and maximum participation, cuisine menu & presentation, and micro observation on the authenticity of real cooking. Based on these parameters, the Pune Team who made Maharashtrian Cuisine dishes stood first. And the IoT team came second who made Kathiyawadi Cuisine dishes. Here are some glimpses of the event.

View more pics: http://tiny.cc/RysunCookingKarona