Rysun Trains Its Team to Save Precious Lives in a Moment of Crisis
At Rysun, we believe in being ready for any challenge. We provide opportunities for our team to learn to handle any challenge they might face in their personal or professional life. While technology and business skills development has always been a focus, this time we organized a special training camp that could save precious lives.
Rysun, in collaboration with its SmartTown product team and the Indian Red Cross Society – Gujarat State Chapter, facilitated a First Aid training session for helping the team learn how to give immediate CPR assistance. This session was held at our GU office and gave our team an opportunity to engage with the highly-trained Red Cross members to learn the importance of first aid and recovery position, and basic CPR techniques. The training concluded with when, how, and why to give CPR to save precious lives. Everyone on the team actively participated in the training session.
Get a sneak peek into the training here: https://bit.ly/3lFeWay